Mario Hildebrandt - Publications
Hildebrandt, M. & Dittmann, J. (2015), 'StirTraceV2.0: Enhanced Benchmarking and Tuning of Printed Fingerprint Detection', Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on 10(4), 833-848.
Hildebrandt, M. (2015), Feature Space Fusion and Feature Selection for an Enhanced Robustness of the Fingerprint Forgery Detection for Printed Artificial Sweat, in '1st International Workshop on Multimedia Crime Scene Forensics for Fingerprint Acquisition and Processing (MM4CSF)'.
Hildebrandt, M. & Dittmann, J. (2015), 'Benford's Law based detection of latent fingerprint forgeries on the example of artificial sweat printed fingerprints captured by confocal laser scanning microscopes', Proc. SPIE 9409, 94090A-94090A-10.
Hildebrandt, M. & Dittmann, J. (2015), 'Benchmarking contactless acquisition sensor reproducibility for latent fingerprint trace evidence', Proc. SPIE 9409, 94090E-94090E-15.
Köppen, V.; Hildebrandt, M. & Schäler, M. (2015), On performance optimization potentials regarding data classification in forensics, in 'Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2015) - Workshopband, 2.-3. Mдrz 2015, Hamburg, Germany', pp. 21--36.
Merkel, R.; Hildebrandt, M. & Dittmann, J. (2015), Application of stirtrace benchmarking for the evaluation of latent fingerprint age estimation robustness, in 'Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF), 2015 International Workshop on', pp. 1-6.
Dittmann, J. & Hildebrandt, M. (2014), Context analysis of artificial sweat printed fingerprint forgeries: Assessment of properties for forgery detection, in 'Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF), 2014 International Workshop on', pp. 1-6.
Hildebrandt, M. & Dittmann, J. (2014), From StirMark to StirTrace: Benchmarking Pattern Recognition Based Printed Fingerprint Detection, in 'Proceedings of the 2Nd ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security', ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 71--76.
Hildebrandt, M.; Kiltz, S.; Dittmann, J. & Vielhauer, C. (2014), 'An enhanced feature set for pattern recognition based contrast enhancement of contact-less captured latent fingerprints in digitized crime scene forensics', Proc. SPIE 9028, 902808-902808-15.
Krätzer, C.; Hildebrandt, M.; Dobbert, A. & Dittmann, J. (2014), 'Digitalisierte Forensik - Sensorbildfusion und Benchmarking', 'D-A-CH Security 2014', 113-126.
Merkel, R.; Dittmann, J. & Hildebrandt, M. (2014), Latent fingerprint persistence: A new temporal feature space for forensic trace evidence analysis, in 'Image Processing (ICIP), 2014 IEEE International Conference on', pp. 4952-4956.
Fischer, R.; Vielhauer, C.; Hildebrandt, M.; Kiltz, S. & Dittmann, J. (2013), 'Ballistic examinations based on 3D data: a comparative study of probabilistic Hough Transform and geometrical shape determination for circle-detection on cartridge bottoms', Proc. SPIE 8665, 86650F-86650F-12.
Hildebrandt, M.; Dittmann, J. & Vielhauer, C. (2013), Statistical latent fingerprint residue recognition in contact-less scans to support fingerprint segmentation, in 'Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 2013 18th International Conference on', pp. 1-6.
Hildebrandt, M.; Kiltz, S. & Dittmann, J. (2013), 'Printed fingerprints at crime scenes: a faster detection of malicious traces using scans of confocal microscopes', Proc. SPIE 8665, 866509-866509-12.
Hildebrandt, M.; Kiltz, S. & Dittmann, J. (2013), 'Digitized forensics: retaining a link between physical and digital crime scene traces using QR-codes', Proc. SPIE 8667, 86670S-86670S-11.
Hildebrandt, M.; Makrushin, A.; Qian, K. & Dittmann, J. (2013), Visibility Assessment of Latent Fingerprints on Challenging Substrates in Spectroscopic Scans, in Bart De Decker; Jana Dittmann; Christian Kraetzer & Claus Vielhauer, ed., 'Communications and Multimedia Security', Springer Berlin Heidelberg, , pp. 200-203.
Hildebrandt, M.; Sturm, J. & Dittmann, J. (2013), 'Printing artificial sweat using ink jet printers for the test set generation in forensics: an image quality assessment of the reproducibility of the printing results', Proc. SPIE 8653, 86530O-86530O-10.
Hildebrandt, M.; Sturm, J.; Dittmann, J. & Vielhauer, C. (2013), Creation of a Public Corpus of Contact-Less Acquired Latent Fingerprints without Privacy Implications, in Bart De Decker; Jana Dittmann; Christian Kraetzer & Claus Vielhauer, ed., 'Communications and Multimedia Security', Springer Berlin Heidelberg, , pp. 204-206.
Makrushin, A.; Kiertscher, T.; Hildebrandt, M.; Dittmann, J. & Vielhauer, C. (2013), 'Visibility enhancement and validation of segmented latent fingerprints in crime scene forensics', Proc. SPIE 8665, 866508-866508-12.
Pocs, M.; Hildebrandt, M.; Kiltz, S. & Dittmann, J. (2013), Proposal of a privacy-enhancing fingerprint capture for a decentralized police database system from a legal perspective using the example of Germany and the EU, in 'Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW), - Workshopband, 15. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), 11.-15.3.2013 in Magdeburg, Germany. Proceedings', pp. 75--88.
Sturm, J.; Hildebrandt, M.; Dittmann, J. & Vielhauer, C. (2013), High quality training materials to detect printed fingerprints: Benchmarking three different aquisition sensors producing printing templates, in 'Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF), 2013 International Workshop on', pp. 1-4.
Hildebrandt, M.; Arndt, C.; Makrushin, A. & Dittmann, J. (2012), 'Computer-aided fiber analysis for crime scene forensics', Proc. SPIE 8296, 829608-829608-14.
Hildebrandt, M.; Kiltz, S.; Sturm, J.; Dittmann, J. & Vielhauer, C. (2012), 'High-resolution printed amino acid traces: a first-feature extraction approach for fingerprint forgery detection', Proc. SPIE 8303, 83030J-83030J-11.
Jankow, M.; Hildebrandt, M.; Sturm, J.; Kiltz, S. & Vielhauer, C. (2012), 'Performance analysis of digital cameras versus chromatic white light (CWL) sensors for the localization of latent fingerprints in crime scenes', Proc. SPIE 8436, 84360X-84360X-15.
Kärgel, R.; Hildebrandt, M. & Dittmann, J. (2012), An Evaluation of Biometric Fingerprint Matchers in a Forensic Context Using Latent Impressions, in 'Proceedings of the on Multimedia and Security', ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 133--138.
Kiltz, S.; Hildebrandt, M.; Dittmann, J. & Vielhauer, C. (2012), Challenges in contact-less latent fingerprint processing in crime scenes: Review of sensors and image processing investigations, in 'Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2012 Proceedings of the 20th European', pp. 1504-1508.
Lindauer, I.; Schäler, M.; Vielhauer, C.; Saake, G. & Hildebrandt, M. (2012), 'A first proposal for a general description model of forensic traces', Proc. SPIE 8436, 84360U-84360U-12.
Makrushin, A.; Hildebrandt, M.; Dittmann, J.; Clausing, E.; Fischer, R. & Vielhauer, C. (2012), '3D imaging for ballistics analysis using chromatic white light sensor', Proc. SPIE 8290, 829016-829016-12.
Makrushin, A.; Hildebrandt, M.; Fischer, R.; Kiertscher, T.; Dittmann, J. & Vielhauer, C. (2012), 'Advanced techniques for latent fingerprint detection and validation using a CWL device', Proc. SPIE 8436, 84360V-84360V-12.
Merkel, R.; Breuhan, A.; Hildebrandt, M.; Vielhauer, C. & Bräutigam, A. (2012), 'Environmental impact to multimedia systems on the example of fingerprint aging behavior at crime scenes', Proc. SPIE 8436, 84360Y-84360Y-16.
Pocs, M.; Schott, M. & Hildebrandt, M. (2012), 'Legally compatible design of digital dactyloscopy in future surveillance scenarios', Proc. SPIE 8436, 84360Z-84360Z-12.
Pocs, M.; Stach, B.; Hildebrandt, M.; Kiltz, S. & Dittmann, J. (2012), Digital Dactyloscopy: A First Design Proposal for a Privacy Preserving Fingerprint Scanning System, in 'Proceedings of the International Conference on Technical and Legal Aspects of the e-Society (CYBERLAWS 2012)', ThinkMind 2012, , pp. 13-18.
Qian, K.; Schott, M.; Schöne, W. & Hildebrandt, M. (2012), 'Separation of high-resolution samples of overlapping latent fingerprints using relaxation labeling', Proc. SPIE 8436, 84361A-84361A-9.
Samland, F.; Fruth, J.; Hildebrandt, M.; Hoppe, T. & Dittmann, J. (2012), 'AR.Drone: security threat analysis and exemplary attack to track persons', Proc. SPIE 8301, 83010G-83010G-15.
Sturm, J.; Hildebrandt, M.; Dittmann, J. & Vielhauer, C. (2012), 'Tatortforensik - beweissicherer Kunstschweissdruck', 'D-A-CH Security 2012', 457-568.
Hildebrandt, M.; Dittmann, J.; Pocs, M.; Ulrich, M.; Merkel, R. & Fries, T. (2011), Privacy Preserving Challenges: New Design Aspects for Latent Fingerprint Detection Systems with Contact-Less Sensors for Future Preventive Applications in Airport Luggage Handling, in Claus Vielhauer; Jana Dittmann; Andrzej Drygajlo; NielsChristian Juul & MichaelC. Fairhurst, ed., 'Biometrics and ID Management', Springer Berlin Heidelberg, , pp. 286-298.
Hildebrandt, M.; Dittmann, J.; Vielhauer, C. & Leich, M. (2011), 'Optical techniques: using coarse and detailed scans for the preventive acquisition of fingerprints with chromatic white-light sensors', Proc. SPIE 8187, 81870P-81870P-9.
Hildebrandt, M.; Kiltz, S. & Dittmann, J. (2011), A Common Scheme for Evaluation of Forensic Software, in 'IT Security Incident Management and IT Forensics (IMF), 2011 Sixth International Conference on', pp. 92-106.
Hildebrandt, M.; Kiltz, S. & Dittmann, J. (2011), 'Automatisierte Lokalisierung und Erfassung von Fingerspuren:', 'D-A-CH security 2011', 422-434.
Hildebrandt, M.; Kiltz, S.; Dittmann, J. & Merkel, R. (2011), Detection of malicious traces in crime scene forensics: An enhanced optical dot pattern analysis for untreated traces of printed amino acid residues, in 'Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA), 2011 7th International Symposium on', pp. 672-677.
Hildebrandt, M.; Kiltz, S.; Dittmann, J. & Vielhauer, C. (2011), Malicious Fingerprint Traces: A Proposal for an Automated Analysis of Printed Amino Acid Dots Using Houghcircles, in 'Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Multimedia Workshop on Multimedia and Security', ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 33--40.
Hildebrandt, M.; Kiltz, S.; Grossmann, I. & Vielhauer, C. (2011), Convergence of Digital and Traditional Forensic Disciplines: A First Exemplary Study for Digital Dactyloscopy, in 'Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Multimedia Workshop on Multimedia and Security', ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 1--8.
Hildebrandt, M.; Kiltz, S.; Krapyvskyy, D.; Dittmann, J.; Vielhauer, C. & Leich, M. (2011), 'Machine-assisted verification of latent fingerprints: first results for nondestructive contact-less optical acquisition techniques with a CWL sensor', Proc. SPIE 8189, 81890S-81890S-11.
Hildebrandt, M.; Merkel, R.; Leich, M.; Kiltz, S.; Dittmann, J. & Vielhauer, C. (2011), Benchmarking contact-less surface measurement devices for fingerprint acquisition in forensic investigations: Results for a differential scan approach with a chromatic white light sensor, in 'Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 2011 17th International Conference on', pp. 1-6.
Kiltz, S.; Hildebrandt, M.; Dittmann, J.; Vielhauer, C. & Kraetzer, C. (2011), 'Printed fingerprints: a framework and first results towards detection of artificially printed latent fingerprints for forensics', Proc. SPIE 7867, 78670U-78670U-15.
Kiltz, S.; Hildebrandt, M.; Altschaffel, R. & Dittmann, J. (2010), 'A transparent bridge for forensic sound network traffic data acquisition', 'GI Sicherheit 2010', 93-104.
Kiltz, S.; Hildebrandt, M.; Altschaffel, R.; Dittmann, J.; Vielhauer, C. & Schulz, C. (2009), 'Sicherstellung von gelöschtem Schadcode anhand von RAM-Analysen und Filecarving mit Hilfe eines forensischen Datenmodells', 'Sichere Wege in der vernetzten Welt', 473-488.
Kiltz, S.; Hildebrandt, M. & Dittmann, J. (2009), 'Forensische Datenarten und Analysen in automotiven Systemen', 'D-A-CH Security 2009', Syssec, 141-152.