Advanced Security Issues in Medical Systems - Hardware and Software Security for Trustworthy medical treatment [ASIMS]
Winter term 2016 / 2017
Seminar: Advanced Security Issues in Medical Systems - Hardware and Software Security for Trustworthy Medical Treatment
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jana Dittmann, M.Sc. Robert Fischer
Courses of Studies / Masterstudiengänge: ONLY Medizinische Systeme / Medical Systems Engineering (Ma)
Module: "Advanced Security Issues in Medical Systems"
Modul is classified as Elective Modules / Seminar in Major 5 "Medical Computer Science"
The registration is available via LSF portal / die Einschreibung ist über das LSF Portal möglich.
See LSF for more information.
Time and location / Zeit und Ort:
Mi./Wed 15:00 - 17:00, G29-K58
Courses start at 12 October 2016 / Veranstaltungsbeginn in der 41. KW (12.10.2016).
Slides will be provided after the 1st date/Die Folien werden nach der ersten Veranstaltung bereitgestellt.
All students are hereby instructed, that the usage of any of the material (slides, manuals, templates) provided in the course of this lecture, is solely allowed for internal use and the purposes of personal studies. The usage is allowed only in terms of § 52a UrhG (Urheberrechtsgesetz), public display or any kind of distribution of digital/analog material is not allowed. In particular, it is stated that students who create photographs or any other digital reproductions of graphics or texts are committing a copyright violation. It is not allowed to create audio or video recordings of the lectures.
- Updated List of Teams (2016-10-24 19:12:48)
- M1 Team Presentations (2016-11-09 11:36:27)
- M3 Team Presentations (2016-12-15 11:21:02)
- Slides Part I - Organizational Information
- Slides Part II - Introduction
- Slides Part III - Introductory Lecture 1
- Slides Part IV - Introductory Lecture 2
- Slides Part V - Introductory Lecture 3
- Report Template (Current ACM Proceedings Template - January 23, 2015)
- Presentation Template
Goals and content of the module: Within this seminar the students work on selected actual topics on technical, organizational, judicial, social and ethical topics in IT security on the example of security considerations in medical sciences. The goal is to enable the student to understand and devise application field specific IT security strategies.
Content: Selected actual topics on technical, organizational, judicial, social and ethical topics. E.g.:
- Medical information systems
- Secure data storage and processing for person related and medical data
- Security in medical IT infrastructures: system-, network-, and application
- Special considerations for digital signal (image and audio) processing for medical records
- Security management in medical information systems
- Standardization, certification and evaluation of IT security for medical application scenarios and systems
- Case studies on IT security mechanisms and problems in medicine
Form of teaching: Seminar, each student will be provided a challenging topic for autonomous processing. The results will be reported in written and oral form.
Prerequisites for participation: none
Requirements for successful participation: Regular attendance in the seminar and successful processing of a seminar topic