Biometrics and Security
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jana Dittmann, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Claus Vielhauer
Supported by: Dr.-Ing. Christian Krätzer, Kun Qian, Dr.-Ing. Andrey Makrushin, Mario Hildebrandt
Lecture: Wednesday 11AM-1PM in room: G29-K058
Exercise: Thursday. 1-3PM in room: G29-K058
Registration for the course is required. The registration opened on 29.09.2014. The registration tool can be found at: Registration
Exam: Beginning with this semester the oral exam is replaced by a combination of presentation and seminar paper (in German: "Referat") on a given course topic. The topics are covering different biometric modalities as well as additional issues such as ethics and fusion. Each topic is restricted to a student team of 2 students and focusses on the the realisation of an own setup of demonstrators and experimental setup (requires code adaptation) of an authentication mechanism for a given set of biometric modalities, the collection and documentation of corresponding biometric samples and the evaluation of the mechanism using the data collection.
Due tue the increased effort for the students as well as teaching staff, the course size is restricted to 20 participants.
Lecture topics:
- Motivation, Introduction, Mathematical, Statistical, and Technical Fundamentals & Sensor Technology
- Security aspects
- Error rates, detection reliability
- Multimodal Biometrics and Multifactor Authentication: Fusion strategies
- Examples & application of biometric techniques
Lecture notes:
- Part 1 (Introduction and Fundamentals)
- Part 2 (Speech and Handwriting)
- Part 3 (Gait, Keystroke Dynamics and Lip Movement)
- Part 4 (Fingerprint)
- Part 5 (Iris)
- Part 6 (Face)
- Part 7 (Rest)
- Task descriptions (updated on October 27th, 2014 - Updates: Topic 1a, Topic 1b and presentation schedule)
- StirTrace is in sources available on Sourceforge - a Windows binary is provided by Dr.-Ing. Christian Krätzer upon request
Report Template:
- TeleTrusT Deutschland e.V.: Bewertungskriterien zur Vergleichbarkeit biometrischer Verfahren - Kriterienkatalog - Version 2.0
- Dit-Yan Yeung et al, SVC2004: First International Signature Verification Competition, ICBA 2004
- Jim Wayman (Ed.): NATIONAL BIOMETRIC TEST CENTER COLLECTED WORKS 1997-2000, Particularly relevant: Technical Testing and Evaluation of Biometric Identification Devices pp. 65-88
- John Daugman: "How Iris Recognition Works":
- Thomas Petermann, Constanze Scherz, Arnold Sauter: "TAB-Studie "Biometrie und Ausweisdokumente", Dezember 2003,
- Multialgorithmic Biometrics: Tobias Scheidat, Claus Vielhauer und Jana Dittmann: "DISTANCE-LEVEL FUSION STRATEGIES FOR ONLINE SIGNATURE VERIFICATION", Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Amsterdam, 2005: Paper
- Multibiometrics: A. K. Jain and A. Ross, "Multibiometric Systems", Communications of the ACM, Special Issue on Multimodal Interfaces , Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 34-40, January 2004:
- Benedikt Driessen and Markus Duermuth: "Achieving Anonymity Against Major Face Recognition Algorithms". Proc. CMS 2013.