Biometrics and Security [BIOSEC]

Lecturer for the lecture:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jana Dittmann and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Claus Vielhauer

Lecturer for the  exercise:
Dr.-Ing. Christian Krätzer

This course will be held in English.


  • This course is planned to be held in presence but would shift to hybrid if the circumstances demand it.
  • The first lecture on October 12th, 2022.
  • The first exercise will be held on October 19th, 2022.
  • Only LSF-registered students will be able to participate and receive the login information via e-Mail ahead of the start date of the lecture.
  • In this course we will try new hybrid teaching formats to test colaborative working environments. In the exercise team sizes of 2-3 students are planned to work together on handwriting and hand geometry tasks. To ensure the compliance with COVID-19 hygenic regulations, this work will be done online using colaborative tools.

Registration / Anmeldung:
The registration via LSF for the course is strictly required. Since the number of seats is limited we will assign the slots by "first come first serve".

Lecture: Wednesday 11:15-12:45 in G29-144
Exercises: (The first exercises will be held on October 19th, 2022!) Wednesday 09:15-10:45 in G29-144


The registration for the course is strictly required. It is exclusively done via the LSF (registration opens on September 22nd, 2022). A registration via e-mail is not possible. Because the number of seats is limited, we will assign the slots by "first come first serve", there are no short-lists.

Exam: The exam in this course is a combination of presentation and seminar paper (in German: "Referat") on a given course topic. The topics are covering different biometric modalities as well as additional issues such as ethics and fusion. Each topic is restricted to a student team of 2 students and focusses on the the realisation of a biometric processing pipeline and experimental setup for a given set of biometric modalities, the collection and documentation of corresponding biometric samples and the evaluation of the mechanism using the data collection.

Due to the increased effort for the students as well as teaching staff, the course size is restricted to 20 participants.

Lecture topics:

- Motivation, Introduction, Mathematical, Statistical, and Technical Fundamentals & Sensor Technology
- Security aspects
- Error rates, detection reliability
- Multimodal Biometrics and Multifactor Authentication: Fusion strategies
- Examples & application of biometric techniques

Slides / Folien:
Slides and other material will be provided via e-mail to the registered participants.

All students are hereby instructed, that the usage of any of the material (slides, manuals, templates) provided in the course of this lecture, is solely allowed for internal use and the purposes of personal studies. The usage is allowed only in terms of § 52a UrhG (Urheberrechtsgesetz), public display or any kind of distribution of digital/analog material is not allowed. In particular, it is stated that students who create photographs or any other digital reproductions of graphics or texts are committing a copyright violation. It is not allowed to create audio or video recordings of the lectures.


  • TeleTrusT Deutschland e.V.: Bewertungskriterien zur Vergleichbarkeit biometrischer Verfahren - Kriterienkatalog - Version 2.0
  • Dit-Yan Yeung et al, SVC2004: First International Signature Verification Competition, ICBA 2004
  • Jim Wayman (Ed.): NATIONAL BIOMETRIC TEST CENTER COLLECTED WORKS 1997-2000, Particularly relevant: Technical Testing and Evaluation of Biometric Identification Devices pp. 65-88
  • John Daugman: "How Iris Recognition Works":
  • Thomas Petermann, Constanze Scherz, Arnold Sauter: "TAB-Studie "Biometrie und Ausweisdokumente", Dezember 2003,
  • Multialgorithmic Biometrics: Tobias Scheidat, Claus Vielhauer und Jana Dittmann: "DISTANCE-LEVEL FUSION STRATEGIES FOR ONLINE SIGNATURE VERIFICATION", Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Amsterdam, 2005: Paper
  • Multibiometrics: A. K. Jain and A. Ross, "Multibiometric Systems", Communications of the ACM, Special Issue on Multimodal Interfaces , Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 34-40, January 2004:
  • Benedikt Driessen and Markus Duermuth: "Achieving Anonymity Against Major Face Recognition Algorithms". Proc. CMS 2013.

Letzte Änderung: 09.11.2022

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